Searching for the Divine

Anyone who knows me personally, knows that many years ago I stepped away from the church. Away from the Christian religion and from God altogether. In the years since, I’ve labeled myself “Pagan” which seems to make people uncomfortable. And that doesn’t really fit me completely, either. So, right now I’m searching. That’s what I am.

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Sometimes a picture paints a 1,000 words but sometimes 1,000 words are needed to paint the picture. If you’ve met me or ever read anything here, you know I’m a pretty passionate person. And those passions run not just for the good, fun and exciting things in life, but also allow me to rail against the bad, the unjust, and the evil in the world when needed. THIS is one of those railing moments.

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An Awakening

More than a year ago I stepped away from writing, specifically writing this blolg, in order to pursue my love of art. I opened a business, Eseret Art, and have been doing okay in that. I missed writing but couldn’t find the time to do it all. But I have to step back into writing today because what I need to express can’t be done with a painting. At least, not by me.

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It’s Official: I have an Etsy Store!

I’ve had enough interest in my art to make me think people might actually want to own some. 😀 So, I created a store on a site y’all have probably heard about:

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Hey, Parents… let’s keep our kids safe online!

It’s back to school time and I seem to post this message every year about now. PLEASE please please be careful with your CHILDREN’S identities online.

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A new love – my personal art gallery

You might have noticed a lack of writing lately. For good reason, I promise. I’ve stepped away from the novels for a while to let my muse chill out. In the meantime, I revitalized a latent talent I remembered from younger years – painting. I still have a lot to learn but I’m having fun and people seem to like it. So, I thought I’d share some with you.

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Meeting Margaret- My New Motivation

I met the woman I want to emulate in about 40 years. She was absolutely wonderfully perfect. She’s 80-something, a cancer survivor, married 63 years, gloriously blunt, uplifting to all she meets and exceedingly joyful. Her name is Margaret. And she made my life exponentially better in just ten minutes.

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I’m on a Contest Shortlist!

Hey there! I’ve been shortlisted for a contest on Mash Stories! And…I need your help!

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Help me choose a storyline

I have two storylines I’m contemplating for April’s Camp NaNoWriMo. I can’t decide which is more interesting to focus on. I would love your thoughts on these two ideas.

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